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Asylum-seeker gets 15 months’ jail for illegal work

Posted on 22 October 2024 No comments


Upstairs bar where the Filipino was arrested  (Google Maps Photo)

A Filipino asylum seeker was jailed today for 15 months after he pleaded guilty at Eastern Court for taking employment while under a deportation order.

Melben Tamayor, 40 years old, was arrested on Dec. 23, 2023 along with a Nepalese while working as a waiter at the Tai Tai bar on D’Aguilar Street in Central.

He was convicted of violating section 378X of the Immigration Ordinance, which prohibits people of his status of taking employment, whether paid or unpaid, without the authority of the director of Immigration.

Basahin ang detalye!

Principal Magistrate Don So adjourned the case against his co-accused, Chetri Wagle, aged 24, to Nov. 21.

He was charged with selling liquor without a licene and possession of liquor for sale without a license, both a violation of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance.

He was accused of selling Corona beer to undercover police officers, as well as having in stock 130 bottles and cans of liquor without permission from the Liquor Licensing Board.

He is free on $5,000 bail.


2 students placed under probation for theft

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The theft happened inside this MTR station (Google Maps Photo)

Two Filipino teenaged students have been placed under probation after being convicted of stealing two powerbanks from a convenience store.

Principal Magistrate Don So handed down an 18-month probation order on an unnamed 14-year-old and a 12-month probation to C. Julian, 17 years old, after the two agreed to the arrangement during a hearing on Monday (Oct. 21).

They were charged with stealing two powerbanks worth $378 from a 7-Eleven store inside the MTR Sai Ying Pun station last April 24, in violation of the Theft Ordinance.

Basahin ang detalye!

Julian also forfeited a $2,000 bail for breaching the bond in an earlier case.

Probation is an alternative penalty provided by the Probation of Offenders Ordinance, under which the two are required to be under the supervision of a probation officer for the periods specified for them to secure “the good conduct of the offender or for preventing a repetition by him of the same offence or the commission of other offences.”

Meanwhile, in a separate hearing held today, Magistrate So sentenced a Filipina domestic helper to two weeks’ imprisonment, suspended for three years, after she pleaded guilty to stealing $1,000 cash from her employer.

Margie Casis, 42 years old, was convicted of stealing the cash last Sept. 20 at her employer’s flat in Kornhill, Quarry Bay.


Artworks by survivors of online child sex abuse on display at Consulate

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The exhibit hopes to bring light to victims of child sex abuse

A special art exhibit dubbed “Gallery of Hope” is on at the Consulate’s public  area, to mark the Museums and Galleries Month this October.

The exhibit, dubbed “Gallery of Hope”, showcases art works by children who have survived online sexual abuse and exploitation in the Philippines.

Despite the nightmare that they were made to go through, the contributing artists still made bright and colourful drawings, a reminder to everyone that a grim past should not hinder a brighter future.

Some information about online sex exploitation is flashed on the screen in the public area
In a survey report published only  last October 9, the United Nations Children’s Educational Fund (Unicef) revealed that one girl in every eight worldwide experienced rape or sexual assault before the age of 18.

The situation is most dire in the Philippines, which is now said to be considered the center of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children worldwide.

An earlier Unicef survey found that 7 million children are reportedly sexually and physically abused in the country each year.

Basahin ang detalye!

The abuse is committed within families and the community, and many local governments are reportedly complicit as they give permits to operate to sex bars, clubs and hotels where trafficked minors are brought to and sold for sex to customers, many of whom are foreigners.

The problem is highlighted in a case reported Tuesday, where a Filipino mother and her live-in partner were arrested for allegedly selling sexually explicit photos and videos of the woman's six-year-old son to pedophiles abroad for between Php1,500 to Php5,000 per material.

The alleged offence was uncovered by police investigators who were tipped off by Australian authorities after one of the couple's clients was arrested. The boy’s mother reportedly met potential clients on online dating sites.

Both she and her partner were arrested and charged with online sexual abuse and exploitation of children, which is punishable under RA11930 with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and P2 million in fine.

Consul General Germinia Usudan poses with staff and guests at the exhibit launch on Oct 13

At the exhibit’s launch, the Consulate took the opportunity to distribute informational brochures from the government on the growing problem of online sexual abuse and exploitation of children in the country.

The exhibition is open to the public until the end of October at the “Sining Malaya Art Corner” located at the Philippine Consulate’s public area from Sunday to Thursdays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Enforcement of ban on single-use plastics take effect tomorrow

Posted on 21 October 2024 No comments


Penalties will be imposed on violators of the plastic ban from tomorrow

From tomorrow, expect restaurants to totally stop providing customers with disposable plastic utensils, cups, plates and other food containers. Hotels should also no longer provide guests with free plastic bottled water and toiletries.

This is after the lapse of the six-month grace period imposed by the government on the ban on single-use plastics announced on April 22 this year, meaning strict enforcement of the law will  begin.

Any retailer found to have violated the regulations will be issued a written warning on the spot, with the persons in charge ordered to rectify the situation within 10 working days. If the violation persists, a fixed penalty of $2,000 will be imposed on the retailer.

Basahin ang detalye!

For other businesses such as catering and hotels, the Environmental Protection Department will take action based on complaints, and may issue warnings after an investigation.

Repeat offenders face a maximum fine of $100,000 after prosecution.

In a statement , the EPD advised businesses that still have unused stock of disposable plastics to consider discussing with suppliers about returning the goods, or to contact plastic recyclers for recycling and recovery.

They may call the EPD hotline at 2838 3111 for assistance.

The EPD said that in the six months since the new law implemented, there has been a marked decrease in plastic consumption across the city, apart from a noticeable trend among residents to cut down on waste.

Restaurants have reported that many customers have begun bringing their own reusable cutlery for takeaway orders, while about 80% of customers in restaurant chains have opted not to ask for them. In addition, about 30% of restaurants no longer provide takeaway cutlery.

All these, said the EPD, resulted in as many as 30 million sets of disposable cutlery being saved since the new regulation took effect.

The EPD is urging the public to use their own cutlery for takeaways to further contribute to cutting down on waste. If using disposable cutlery cannot be avoided, non-plastic alternatives should be chosen.

The EPD also noted reports from property management companies that most people have become accustomed to using fabric umbrella dryers instead of disposable plastic umbrella bags. Many people have also become accustomed to using reusable umbrella bags to avoid water drips.

There has also been a significant decrease in the use of disposable plastic products, such as plastic balloon sticks, glow sticks, and party hats during festivals, with businesses co-operating by switching to selling alternative products.


Alarm sounded as Filipina DH in HK tricked into carrying drugs to Laos

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Page 1 of the Consulate advisory on the drug syndicate in Laos preying on OFWs

The Philippine Consulate in Hong Kong has issued a warning about the possibility of overeas Filipino workers (OFWs) being targeted by drug and human trafficking syndicates through love scams and fake employment offers.

This was after a Filipina domestic worker was reportedly tricked by her online boyfriend into giving up her job in Hong Kong on the promise of a high-paying job in Laos.

Basahin ang detalye!

“Unknown to her, her (online) boyfriend is part of a drug syndicate and they used her luggage to attempt to transport drugs to another country,” the Consulate said in an advisory posted on its Facebook page earlier today.

“This resulted in the OFW’s arrest on charges of drug trafficking.”

Page 2 of the advisory

According to Vice Consul George Soriano, the unnamed OFW is still in jail, as confirmed by the Philippine embassy in Laos.

The information about her arrest was relayed to the Consulate in Hong Kong by the OFW’s son, but other details of her case are being withheld for privacy reasons.

The Consulate warned Filipino migrant workers against engaging in third-country recruitment and accept job offers only from recruitment agencies licensed by the Department of Migrant Workers.

OFWs must also be wary of people they meet only online and to conduct a thorough background check on them before meeting up with them, or trusting their words easily.



Monkey death toll in HK Zoo now up to 11

Posted on 20 October 2024 No comments


The monkeys found dead at HK Zoo were infected with melioidosis (RTHK photo)

Another monkey has died at the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens I Central, bringing the total number of animals that have passed away there since October 13 to 11.

The Common Squirrel Monkey was one of two that were isolated and died, after eight monkeys were found dead at the zoo on Oct. 13.

A third animal, a De Brazza Monkey, is still under isolated surveillance and is given medication.


Necropsies done on the nine animals that passed earlier revealed that the deaths were due to melioidosis infection, which usually occurs through contact with contaminated soil and surface waters.

Authorities have been quick to point out that the infection is not passed person-to-person or animal-to-person.

They believe the spread of the disease must have started from soil digging works in the zoo in early October, which could have resulted in the monkeys having contact with the bacteria.


In addition, they said the incubation period for melioidosis in primates is about a week, which  matched with the period after the soil digging works.

Following the animals’ deaths, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department has closed off the mammals section of the Zoo and Gardens since Oct 14, and thorough disinfection and cleaning of the animal cages carried out.

The health condition of the staff who work in the suspected area of contamination is being closely monitored although they all tested for the bacteria.

Basahin ang detalye!

So far this year, a total of 19 people have been infected with melioidosis s, compared to 17 in 2023, sparking concern.

The Centre for Health Protection urges the public to exercise caution, particularly during and after typhoons and storms. They should avoid going to flood-prone areas, and not wade or come into contact with muddy water and sol.

The latest case of melioidosis infection among humans was reported on Oct 18, when a 59-yearold woman with a pre-existing health condition tested positive for the bacteria.



18 people arrested as Immigration, police step up anti-illegal work raids

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Some of those arrested in the Immigration sweep of 29 target locations

A total of 18 persons, all but one suspected illegal workers,  were arrested in an expanded operation jointly conducted by the Immigration Department and Hong Kong Police.

The arrests were made over four days, between Oct 14 to Oct 17, in raids that combined five anti-illegal work operations by the two agencies, namely “Contribute,” “Rally” and “Twilight” by immigration, and “Champion” and “Windsand” by the police.

Immigration operatives targeted 29 locations across the city, including construction sites, premises under renovation, restaurants and residential homes, leading to the arrests of 17 suspected illegal workers.


They comprised three men and 14 women aged between 27 and 52, with two women holding recognisance forms that prohibit them from engaging in any form of employment.

In separate operations targeting 21 locations within Mong Kok, a 25-year-old suspected overstayer was arrested by police.

In line with tightened rules that took effect during the pandemic, Immigration and police officers have routinely conducted anti-illegal work operations across Hong Kong, resulting in the arrests of thousands of suspects, many of them asylum seekers, overstayers, or holding domestic helper visas.


Immigration has regularly emphasized that illegal work is a serious offence, that could lead to imprisonment of up to three years, and a fine of $50,000.

Those found holding fake Hong Kong ID cards could be jailed up to 10 years, and fined $100,000.

Basahin ang detalye!

Employers of illegal workers face up to 10 years in prison and a maximum fine of $500,000.


4 months for lying to Immigration to get DH visa

Posted on 19 October 2024 No comments


A Filipina who falsely claimed she would work for another Filipina when applying for a visa as a domestic helper, has been jailed for four months for conspiracy to defraud the Immigration Department.

The Filipino agent who assisted her is now considered a fugitive after she failed to show up at a separate hearing.

Aprilyn Tupas, aged 42, pleaded guilty at Shatin Court on Thursday (Oct. 17) to lying to an Immigration officer that she would work for Almira Narag-Chow, resulting in her being granted permission to stay and work in Hong Kong.


In the case that dates back to 2023, Tupas admitted the charge by the Immigration Department that she conspired with Narag-Chow, agent Gina Villareal and a certain Homer Herrera in submitting false documents between an unknown day in 2021 and on June 1, 2023.

She also admitted conspiring with the three others “to induce said (Immigration) Director and his officers to act contrary to their public duty, namely to grant you permission to enter and remain in Hong Kong, in circumstances which they would not otherwise have granted.”


In a separate but related conspiracy-to-defraud case in the same courtroom, Acting Principal Magistrate Cheang Kei-hong ordered that a warrant of arrest issued last Oct. 14 will remain in force against Villareal, 52 years old, who was again absent at Thursday’s hearing.

Villareal is facing two such charges, the first being that she conspired with Tupas, Narag and Herrera.

Basahin ang detalye!

Her second case involved the fraudulent visa application of Jumiat, an Indonesian, as a domestic helper of Liza Castillo, also with Herrera's help. The alleged offence happened between an unknown day in 2021 and May 13, 2023, which resulted in Jumiat getting a DH visa.

Tupas and Villareal were charged conspiring to defraud, which is punishable under the Crimes Ordinance with imprisonment of up to 14 years.


DH gets 8 months’ jail for theft of employer’s jewelry

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One of the flats in this development was the scene of the crime

A Filipino domestic helper has been jailed for eight months for stealing 31 pieces of jewelry from her employer.

Rosiljean Behasa, 35 years old, had pleaded guilty to the theft at her employer’s flat in Pinewood Garden in Happy Valley from March to June this year.


Principal Magistrate Don So handed down the sentence on Tuesday (Oct. 15) after she admitted stealing eight pairs of earrings, four rings, three bracelets, one necklace, five chains, one watch and one pendant.

The total value of the jewelry was not mentioned in the complaint filed by police last June 21.


In a separate case also before Magistrate So, Esphere Elizarde, 36 years old, was sentenced to two months in jail for stealing $1,700 from her employer at Braemar Heights in North Point from June 28 to Aug. 4 this year.

She was also jailed for one month for breach of condition of stay because she overstayed her domestic helper visa, which expired on July 2.

Basahin ang detalye!

She was found to have overstayed her visa after her arrest for the theft on Aug. 13.

Magistrate So sentenced her to two months’ imprisonment for the theft and one month for the overstay. However, he ordered that the two sentences be served at the same time, for a net of two months.


'Watershow Extravaganza' to light up Wanchai harbour

Posted on 18 October 2024 No comments


This is how the water show at the Wanchai harbour should look like

Wan Chai harbour will be transformed today and tomorrow (Oct 18 and 19) when it hosts Hong Kong’s first large-scale water show, as part of events commemorating the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.

The spectacular display, which is organized by Blue Planet Action, will take place at the Water Sports and Recreation Precinct in Wan Chai, from 4:00pm to 8:30pm.



The two-day event, called the Wan Chai Watershow Extravaganza, will feature water fountains, light displays, and music.

It will be highlighted by a scene in which rockets transform into dragons which will then journey through iconic scenes of China and Hong Kong before changing into a phoenix.


Lining the harbour will be more than 10 stalls where family-friendly activities and an opportunity to explore traditional Chinese crafts, will be made available to ticket-holders.

A stage to be set up at the site will feature a variety of entertainment numbers, including performances by notable singers like Karen Kong and Gabriel Hanson at the opening ceremony. The second day will have the singing group Sing’s Power providing entertainment, among others.

Basahin ang detalye!

To register for tickets, visit the Blue Planet Action Facebook page or collect them  at the Wan Chai Home Affairs Enquiry Centre.  

A total of 3,000 tickets will be distributed for free by the organizer and government departments through online registration, with an additional 600 tickets to be made available on-site


SC asked to rule transfer of P89.9b PhilHealth funds unconstitutional

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Reyes, Magno,Carpio, Carpio-Morales and Mendoza hold up copies of the SC petition
(PhilStar photo)

Former Supreme Court Justice Antonio Carpio and former Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales have led the latest legal challenge to the transfer of  “excess funds" of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to the national treasury.

The two, along with former Finance Undersecretary Cielo Magno, former Commission on Audit Commissioner Heidi Mendoza and priest Robert Reyes filed a petition with the Supreme Court on Wednesday, Oct. 16, questioning the constitutionality of transferring the P89.9 billion in Philhealth funds.

The move came on the day the third tranche of PhilHealth’s unspent funds amounting to P30 billion was transferred to the government treasury.


In all, P89.8 billion of PhilHealth funds from 2021 to 2023 are to be transferred to the national treasury, in line with a special provision in the 2024 General Appropriations Act (GAA) mandating all government owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) to remit their unspent subsidies for the period.

From this cash sweep of the GOCCs will come funding for previously designated priority projects such as infrastructure and salary increases for government workers. The controversial Overseas Filipino Workers Center in Hong Kong that will cost the government P4.5million in rent each month will also come from this fund.

A day earlier, a number of former senior government officials from different administration issued a joint statement to try and stop Finance Secretary Ralph Recto from transferring more funds from the national health insurance. 

The statement said it was “beyond reason” to pit spending on economic growth through infrastructure with that for social programs and public health.

“Every peso diverted from PhilHealth is desperately needed by Filipinos without access to health care,” they said.

They alleged that the real intention of the fund transfers was to fund pork barrel allocations inserted into the 2024 national budget.

Basahin ang detalye!

Under the 2024 GAA,  the government’s unprogrammed funds ballooned to P731.45 billion, up by a massive 160 percent from the P281.91 billion requested by the executive branch from Congress.

But despite the wide-ranging opposition, Recto said he could only stop the transfer if there was a direct order from the lawmakers or the Supreme Court, arguing that the DOF was only following what Congress had allowed under the 2024 national budget.

Those who questioned the transfer said PhilHealth is mandated to meet the objectives of universal health care of expanding the scope and coverage of health benefits to members, so its allocated funds should be used solely for this reason.

They said the P89.9 billion deemed to have been “unspent funds” had come from the premiums or contributions of members, and should benefit indirect contributors like senior citizens, persons with disabilities, indigents, 4Ps beneficiaries, and those without the capacity to pay..

“Instead of addressing inefficiencies and waste within the budget, the government is accommodating untimely and wasteful public projects, which could only be beneficial to a select few precisely by raiding PhilHealth’s funds,” said the statement.

“By all measures, this policy seriously jeopardizes the mandate to promote universal health care,” the statement said.

Among the signatories were former Secretaries Cielito Habito and Ernesto Pernia of the National Economic and Development Authority, Enrique Ona of the Department of Health, Florencio Abad of the Department of Budget and Management, and ex-PhilHealth president and CEO Alexander Padilla.


Consulate starts distributing digital IDs for overseas voters in HK

Posted on 17 October 2024 No comments


Overseas voters must scan the QR code above to start the process of securing their IDs

The Philippine Consulate General  (PCG) has begun distributing through email the digital copy of the voter’s ID of all registered overseas voters in Hong Kong.

To get it, the applicant must be a registered overseas voter in Hong Kong, has a valid ID (Philippine passport or HK ID card) and a working email address.

To start the process,  the applicant must scan the QR code posted in the Consulate’s website (and reposted above) to get to the google form which he/she must fill up.

Basahin ang detalye!

The voters will be asked for their last, first and middle names as they appear in their passports, their date of birth, email address and contact number. 

No document such as a passport or HKID card will be asked for uploading by the voter but the personal details he/she is required to provide must match those provided in their Philippine passport.

After the form has been submitted, the voter will have to wait for an email from the Consulate giving instructions on how to proceed to download the digital ID. If the voter has no registered email address, he/she will have to report personally to the OV Secretariat at the Consulate for identity verification.

Once the voter's identity is confirmed through a passport or HKID number, an email address that belongs personally to the voter (not employer, agent or any other person) must be submitted.

It is thus important for voters to provide an email address that they can access as all instructions, including the copy of their voter’s ID, will be sent to them via this route. It will also be used for pre-enrolment as a first-time internet voter, and acquiring the ballot for the actual voting.

For those with problems downloading, filling out or submitting the google form, they can inquire directly at counters 9-12 at the Consulate.

This is the first time that a digital ID is being provided by the Commission on Elections for all registered Philippine voters abroad.

Previously, a printed physical card was provided by the Comelec to registered voters through embassies and consulates abroad. But this was stopped in 2018, after legislators approved the National Identification System, which provides that only one national ID should be used in all government transactions.

Comelec said overseas voters may use the digital ID as an alternative proof of identification when they enrol for internet voting, in case their Philippine passport of seafarer’s identification record book is not available.

A dry-run for pre-enrolment to the digital voting for the 2025 mid-term elections in the Philippines will begin in February next year. The actual overseas voting will take place from April 13 to May 12, 2025. 

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