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Women urged to avail of services against cervical cancer

Posted on 04 January 2025 No comments


The Department of Health (DH) has urged women in Hong Kong to avail of its efforts to prevent and fight cervical cancer, the ninth most common female cancer in Hong Kong, as part of the Cervical Cancer Awareness Month activities this January.

It advised women to undergo regular cervical screening to detect the cancer early enough to stop its spread, and for parents to have their female children to take the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.

The celebration is in support of the designation of January as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise public awareness and scale up efforts to fight cervical cancer, thus eliminating it as a public health problem in the next century.


As most cervical cancers are caused by persistent infection with high-risk HPV, the DH advised women to:

  • Receive the HPV vaccine before sexual debut;
  • Undergo cervical screening regularly;
  • Practice safe sex (e.g. using condoms and avoiding multiple sexual partners) to prevent HPV infection; and
  • Refrain from smoking, as it may increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Basahin ang detalye!

“HPV vaccines help prevent cervical cancer and are effective in preventing high-risk HPV, including HPV 16 and 18, with protection rates over 90 per cent,” the DH said in a statement.

“Since the 2019/20 school year, the DH has been providing free HPV vaccinations to eligible Primary Five schoolgirls under the Hong Kong Childhood Immunization Program,” it added.

The DH's School Immunization Teams provide the first dose of the HPV vaccine to Primary Five female students at their schools, and the second dose will be given to them when they reach Primary Six in the following school year. The second dose coverage rate of HPV vaccination for Primary Six girls in the school year 2022/23 was about 92 per cent.

For girls under the age of 18, the DH launched a one-off catch-up HPV vaccination program on December 2, 2024, for female Hong Kong residents born between 2004 and 2008 (i.e. girls aged 18 or below as in 2022, and not covered by the existing program) to receive free HPV vaccinations.

All participants in must have been registered with eHealth. Details of the program, which lasts for about two years, can be found on the DH's website:

The DH also urged women to undergo regular cervical screening, because those infected with HPV or in the early stages of cervical cancer do not have noticeable symptoms.

The Population Health Survey 2020-22 conducted by the DH revealed that merely half of the eligible women in Hong Kong had ever been screened for cervical cancer.

The DH promotes the Cervical Screening Program to the general public through various channels, such as television, radio, social media, the DH's website and posters. Members of the public can also access information about cervical screening via the "@DH mobile application".

Since 2023, the DH has been regularly sending notifications to women of the appropriate age group through the Cervical Screening Information System and the eHealth mobile app to remind them to undergo regular cervical screening.

In Hong Kong, Maternal and Child Health Centers (MCHCs) and Woman Health Centers of the DH, non-governmental organizations and private healthcare providers provide cervical screening services. Common screening tests for cervical cancer include the HPV test of cervical samples collected by healthcare professionals and/or Cytology test (also called cervical smear or Pap smear).

At the same time, the Primary Healthcare Commission is actively promoting the "life course preventive care plan".

“Based on the core principles of prevention-oriented and whole-person care, a personalized preventive care plan will be formulated to address the health needs of citizens across different life stages with reference to the latest evidence,” the DH said. 

“Family Doctors and primary healthcare professionals will collaborate to provide health advice and education on chronic diseases and cancer screening, as well as healthy lifestyles according to age, sex and personal factors such as family history, including cervical cancer.”

Women who wish to receive cervical screening at MCHCs can schedule an appointment through the 24-hour hotline 3166 6631. For further information on cervical cancer and screening, please visit the DH's website:

Pinay jailed 3 months for money laundering

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This is the first money laundering sentence on a Filipino for 2025

The West Kowloon Court opened this year’s litigation of money laundering cases involving Filipinas with a comparatively light sentence for a domestic helper who admitted allowing her bank acccout to be used by criminals to clean their crime earnings.

Wendy Utleg, a 42 years old, was jailed for three months after she pleaded guilty Friday (Jan. 3) at West Kowloon to the charge of dealing with property known or believed to be proceeds of indictable offense, in violation of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance.

A complaint filed by the Sham Shui Po Police last Nov. 20 said Utleg dealt with $280,592.59 between Feb. 4 and July 11, 2019 , “knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that (the) property … in whole or in part, directly or indirectly represented any person’s proceeds of indictable offense.”

The comparatively light sentence handed down by Acting Principal Magistrate Cheng Lim-chi was based on the fact that the amount of crime money that passed through Utleg’s Hang Seng Bank account was small, compared to previous cases.


Last year saw long jail sentences meted on Filipinas, one of which reached two years.

Last Dec. 12, the Department of Justice announced that it would seek to get higher sentences for money laundering, in line with new sentencing guidelines set by the Court of Appeal.

Basahin ang detalye!

The new guidelines were set by the CA as a result of the growing prevalence of money laundering cases in the community.

The gravity of the sentence will depend on the amount involved, and could be mitigated if the accused pleads guilty to the offence.

DH gets 14 days jail for stealing $140

Posted on 03 January 2025 No comments


Building where theft was committed (Photo: Google Maps)

How serious would it be if you steal $140 from your employer?

Filipina domestic helper Maricer Aguila, 42 years old, learned the answer to this question today after she appeared at Kwun Tong Court .


Aguila was jailed for 14 days, and was told to pay compensation of $140 to her employer Amy Wong Ting Ting after she pleaded guilty to theft, in violation of section 9 of the Theft Ordinance which prescribes a maximum penalty of 10 years for the most serious cases.

She was charged with stealing $140 in cash last Nov. 29 at her employer’s flat in Hong Pik Court on Pik Wan Road, Kwun Tong, based on a complaint filed last Dec. 6 by the Kwun Tong Police .


Acting Principal Magistrate Leung Ka-kie emphasized the seriousness of the offense by saying that Aguila breached the confidence that her employers gave her when they allowed her to work in their home.

Filipina dies after collapsing in Tai Po

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Photo of village houses in Tseng Tau Tsuen (Wikipedia photo)

A 58-year-old Filipina domestic helper has died after collapsing in a village house at Tseng Tau Tsuen in Tai Po on Thursday, Jan. 2.

Police said the woman had fainted in a room inside the unit. She was rushed unconscious to Tai Po Nethersole Hospital where she was certified dead. No suicide note was found.


An investigation is ongoing as to the cause of death, though the deceased reportedly had a history of health issues.

Initial investigations indicated no suspicious circumstances were found in relation to the case.


The Migrant Workers Office at the Consulate said it was still liaising with the police to acertain the Filipina’s name and other details.

Basahin ang detalye!

An officer at the Migrant Workers Office told The SUN they had been in touch with the police regarding the case, but have yet to ascertain the victim’s identity. 

Filipina asylum seeker issued arrest warrant, another fined

Posted on 02 January 2025 No comments


Corner where two Filipinas were arrested (Photo: Google Maps)

A Filipina asylum seeker was ordered arrested today after she failed to show up at the West Kowloon court for a hearing of her two theft cases, while her co-accused who is also an asylum seeker, was fined for not having an ID card and told to come back for her sentence for drugs possession.

Acting Principal Magistrate Cheng Lim-chi also ordered that Arlene Managtag, 36 years old, not be allowed bail if arrested. He reserved judgment on whether or not to confiscate her existing bail of $500 because of her absence.

Managtag is accused of stealing someone else’s recognizance document (form 8), which is issued to those seeking non-refoulement, or protection against being sent back to their home country, as identity document.


Also found on her was a mobile phone she could not prove she owns, so she was slapped with another theft charge.

Managtag and her co-defendant Conifer Akinchang appeared in court together as a resut of their arrest last Sept. 24 after a routine police check at the corner of Po On and Cheung Fai St. in Cheung Sha Wan.

For her part, Akinchang, aged 44 years, pleaded guilty to possession of 0.18 gram of meth (or shabu) which was found in her possession while she was already in a police car after her arrest for failure to present proof of identity for inspection.

Basahin ang detalye!

She pleaded guilty to such failure, which is contrary to section 49 of the Public Order Ordinance, and was fined $500, the amount of her cash bail.

As for her drug conviction, Magistrate Cheng put off her sentencing to Jan. 16 pending a report from the Drug Abuse Treatment Center.

Asylum seeker jailed 16 weeks for overstaying

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Immigration Department filed the complaint

More than four years of overstaying has sent a Filipino asylum-seeker to jail for 16 weeks.

Ronnie Turla, 49 years old, pleaded guilty last Tuesday (Dec. 31) at Shatin Court to a complaint of the Immigration Department that he breached his condition of stay, in violation of section 41 of the Immigration Ordinance.

The penalty was handed down by Magistrate Andrew Mok.

Under the said section of the Ordinance, any person who is found to have contravened a condition of stay imposed by Immigration shall face a maximum sentence of a fine at level 5 ($50,000) and imprisonment for two years. 


Turla arrived in Hong Kong as a tourist in February 2014 and was allowed to stay for two weeks by an Immigration officer.

However, he failed to leave as required by his condition of stay, until his arrest on Aug. 28, 2018.

Turla has since claimed the right to non-refoulement – or protection from being sent back to his country of origin if he meets internationally-accepted conditions -- and was given a recognizance form to serve as his identification document.

Basahin ang detalye!

It is not uncommon for overstayers to file for non-refoulement to avoid being sent back home after serving their sentence for violating their visa condition.

A non-refoulement claim is submitted to the Immigration Department and, if denied, the applicant can appeal the decision to the Torture Claims Adjudication Board. If it is upheld, the applicant may go to the High Court and apply for leave to file for judicial review. The final option is to file an appeal if leave is denied.

Fireworks display all about ‘happiness’

Posted on 01 January 2025 No comments


Part of the spectacle to welcome in the New Year (RTHK photo)

Tens of thousands flocked towards Victoria Harbour on New Year’s eve to watch the traditional fireworks display which this year was themed “The Symphony of Happiness.”

The five-part show lasted 12 minutes, about half the time it used to take on such an occasion. But as in years past, the colorful welcome to 2025 did not disappoint.

The New Year countdown began at 11pm, and was preceded by a star-studded musical and dance performance.  


A giant countdown clock that illuminated the glass curtain wall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre flashed “2025” at the stroke of midnight.

The much-awaited show then commenced, with bright red fireworks symbolizing a fiery passion for life and dreams kicking off the first part. The pyrotechnic was also used to create a vision of flowers blooming one after another.

The second part featured green and gold fireworks, showing an evergreen tree representing the spirit of strong perseverance, hard work and quiet cultivation.

The giant evergreen tree representing perseverance and hard work

The third titled “Golden Waterfall” took the form of golden fireworks cascading down the sky, while the final section, “Propitious Clouds" – made its debut in Hong Kong with a display of rainbow-colored smoke with silver fireworks.

The whole show was synchronized to music that fused Western classical and Chinese traditional tunes.

Meanwhile, four babies were born in the first two hours of 2025.

Basahin ang detalye!

First to usher in the new year was a 3.375 kg baby boy born at Prince of Wales Hospital, who came out into the world at precisely 12:07 am.

Another baby boy, weighing 3.56 kg first saw the light of day five minutes later.

Two baby girls then followed, with one being born at Princess Margaret Hospital at about 1am, and the other at Prince of Wales Hospital at around 2am.

Govt launches anti-rat charter for residential buildings

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Rats and mice can cause a lot of ailments to humans

The Food and Environtmental Department announced yesterday, Dec. 31, the launch of the Anti-rodent Charter for residential buildings and related commercial units to make residents aware of the need to promote a rat-free environment.

The Charter encourages residents to practice environmental hygiene and cultivate good habits to rid their premises of rodents. These include eliminating the food sources and hiding places of rodents, to force them out.

Those who are encouraged to sign the Charter include property management companies, owners' corporations, residents' organisations of private residential premises, the Hong Kong Housing Society, transitional housing, subsidised sales flats and Tenants Purchase Scheme.


Those who conform to the Charter will undertake to assign liaison ambassadors who will coordinate anti-rodent efforts. These include carrying out regular inspections, arranging necessary repairs and maintenance of facilities, and ensuring proper cleaning and refuse removal at the housing estates or buildings.

Besides implementing anti-rodent measures, participants have to supervise the quality and performance of the hired anti-rodent service contractors and maintain relevant records of anti-rodent work.

They are also responsible for conveying anti-rodent messages to residents through promotion and education, encouraging residents to cultivate good habits in personal hygiene and maintain a clean environment.

Basahin ang detalye!

Participants will receive free anti-rodent technical support from the FEHD, including invitations to attend pest control seminars.

Additionally, the FEHD will present Charter certificates and stickers to participants and publish a list of participating organisations and premises on a dedicated webpage.

The Department said it is condsidering extending the Charter to other sectors in future, based on the outcome of the first phase of the anti-rodent campaign.

Rats and mice, which are collectively known as rodents, could cause various diseases, such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, salmonella, and even rat hepatitis E, as was found in a Hong Kong man in 2018, in the first case of its kind ever recorded.

Details of the Charter have been uploaded to the FEHD's Anti-rodent Charter Website (

Filipino fined $2k for exposing himself in public

Posted on 31 December 2024 No comments


Neighborhood where incident happened (Google Maps photo) 

A Filipino permanent resident in HK was fined $2,000 Tuesday (Dec. 31) and meted a suspended jail sentence at Kowloon City Court for “committing an act outraging public decency” by exposing his private part in public.

S. Ferraris, 58 years old and a landscape designer, will not have to serve his sentence of 14 weeks' imprisonment if he does not reoffend within 36 months, according to the order by Magistrate Kestrel Lam.


A complaint by Wong Tai Sin Police dated Sept. 27 accused Ferrraris of committing “an act of  lewd, obscene or disgusting nature which outrage public decency, namely taking out your penis and rubbing your penis with your hand.”

Ferraris pleaded guilty to the charge.

Basahin ang detalye!

The incident happened on  Sept. 6, 2022 outside the MUM Veggie Café on Yan Oi Street, San Po Kong, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon.


Filipina who signed on as fake employer gets 3 months’ jail

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Foreign domestic helper's visa is shown in passport

A Filipina who signed a fake work contract as employer to enable another Filipina to get a domestic helper’s visa, was jailed for three months today in the latest sentencing for those involved in a conspiracy to defraud the Immigration Department.

Almira Narag-Chow, 51 years old who worked as a cleaner earning $11,000 a month, pleaded guilty at Shatin court last March 26, but her sentencing was put off to today to allow her to cooperate with government investigators’ inquiry into similar cases.

Chow, who was arrested in her house, agreed with the police complaint that she signed the fake contract with Aprilyn Tupas, aged 42, on a promise she would be paid $7,000. Her co-conspirators Tupas and agent Gina Villareal had earlier been jailed for their roles in the conspiracy.

But Chow said she received only $2,000 from the transaction, paid to her by a Villareal, who arranged for the processing of Tupas’ employment visa.


She said Villareal and another Filipino, Homer Herrera, had promised that she would be paid an additional $5,000 once the visa was approved. But both co-conspirators did not reappear, and Tupas never worked for her.

The complaint alleged that between 2021 and Sept. 8, 2023, Chow and the other three conspired to “defraud the Director of Immigration … and his officers by dishonetly and falsely representing… that Tupas, Aprilyn Tario’s remaining in Hong Kong was for the purpose of taking up employment…”

It said their action induced the officers “to act contrary to their public duty” to grant Tupas permission to remain in Hong Kong, “which they would not otherwise have granted.”

Basahin ang detalye!

Tupas, her supposed helper, pleaded guilty at Shatin Court last Oct. 17 to lying to an Immigration officer that she would work for Chow, resulting in her being granted permission to stay and work in Hong Kong, and was jailed for four months.

She admitted the charge by the Immigration Department that she conspired with Chow, and agents Villareal and Herrera in submitting false documents between an unknown day in 2021 and on June 1, 2023.

Villareal, 52 and a holder of a recognizance form to serve as her identification document, was jailed for 10 months last Nov. 21 for two counts of conspiracy to defraud the Immigration Department.

Herrera, a 40-year-old asylum seeker, is facing 25 charges at District Court of defrauding the Immigration Department by presenting fake employment contracts to enable his clients to get domestic helper visas.


Ex-OFW seeks recognition for employer who helped her through stroke

Posted on 30 December 2024 No comments


Emagilyn says she is still recovering from the stroke that sent her home 4 years ago

A Filipino former domestic worker in Hong Kong who went home more than four years ago after suffering from a stroke, wants it known to everyone how grateful she is to her former employer for having consistently looked after her since that fateful incident.

Emagilyn M. Canlas, 56 years old and a widow, said she hopes the Philippine Consulate and the Hong Kong government will give due recognition to her former employers Ma Yau Yan and Chan Shuk, so they could inspire other employers to also treat their helpers with kindness and compassion.



Sana po sa pamamagitan ninyo pakiparating sa ating Konsulado at sa aking mga amo ang aking pasasalamat kasi sobrang bait ng mga amo ko. I rate them 10 out of 10 dahil hanggang ngayon before Chinese New Year pinapadalhan ako ng ampaw,” said Emagilyn.

(I hope that through you I can tell our Consulate and my own employers how grateful I am to have had such kind employers. I rate them 10 out of 10 because until now, just before Chinese New Year they still send me lai see).

Emagilyn at the hospital in February 2020

Emagilyn said that she had worked for her employers for 15 years before she suddenly fell ill on Feb. 1, 2020, necessitating her return home. 

Despite the raging pandemic at the time, her employer wasted no time doing all the difficult paper work, so she managed to fly home on May 26 in the same year.

Basahin ang detalye!

Sa dinami-dami ng mga DH sa Hong Kong, masuwerte talaga ako kasi itinuring akong kapamilya ng aking mga amo,” she said. (Of all the DHs in Hong Kong I count myself lucky because I was treated like family by my employers).

Right now Emagilyn still has mobility issues but is getting well. She says her former employers’ concern and kindness help keep her on track.


DH jailed 14 days for assault on ward

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Molina was sentenced at Kwun Tong Court

A Filipina domestic helper was jailed for 14 days after she pleaded guilty at Kwun Tong court to      "assault by those in charge of child or young person.”

Armida Molina, 44 years old, did not dispute the charge of the Tseung Kwan O Police when she appeared before Acting Principal Magistrate Leung Ka-kie.


The police complaint alleged that Molina willfully assaulted X, who was aged under 16, “in a manner likely to cause her unnecessary suffering or injury to her health” between May 18 and Oct. 8 this year in her employer’s flat in Tseung Kwan O.

She was charged with violation of section 27 (1) of the Offenses Against the Person Ordinance, which prescribes a jail sentence of up to three years upon summary conviction, and up to 10 years upon conviction on indictment.

Basahin ang detalye!

Molina has no fixed address in Hong Kong after having been terminated by her employer.


Carrying someone else’s HK ID card can bring you legal trouble

Posted on 29 December 2024 No comments


The case was heard at West Kowloon court

Filipina Lowela dela Cruz, 39 years old, learned this lesson after she was taken to the West Kowloon court last Friday (Dec. 27), charged with two offenses, and then detained after her case was adjourned to Jan. 24 next year.

Her legal troubles began when she was accosted by a police officer at the corner of Fuk Wah and Pei Ho Street in Sham Shui Po last Nov. 13 and demanded to see her HKID card.


However, it turned out that the HKID card she was carrying was not hers; it was in the name of Rowena Sotelo.

As a result Sham Shui Po Police charged her with “custody of an identity card relating to another person… without lawful authority or reasonable excuse,” which is a violation of section 7A(1A) of the Registration of Persons Ordinance.


Further investigation also revealed that Dela Cruz had overstayed by more than two years, and was charged with “breach of condition of stay – overstay” in violation of section 41 of the Immigration Ordinance.

She was originally permitted to stay and work in Hong Kong as a foreign domestic helper, the police complaint said.

Basahin ang detalye!

However, she was terminated on Aug. 13, 2022 and did not leave as required under her condition of stay, after the expiration of the two-week grace period for her to find a new employer and extend her visa.


Self-service kiosks for intl driving permit opens today

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Applicants may obtain the international driving permit in just one day through these kiosks

The Transport Department today launched self-service kiosks that will process international driving permits in just one day, starting on Jan. 13, 2025.

Two kiosks were opened, one at the licensing office at United Centre in Admiralty and another at the Kowloon Licensing Office at the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices.

An applicant who plans to drive outside Hong Kong will be able to apply for the international driving permit at either office, and collect it on the same day from 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.


Those qualified to apply are holders of a Hong Kong identity card and a Hong Kong full driving licence which is valid or has not expired for more than three years.

They may book an appointment starting today via the online Appointment Booking System ( for using the Self-service Kiosk.

Eligible persons with an "iAM Smart+" account equipped with the identity authentication and digital signing functions should bring along their address proof (issued not more than three months from application date) and visit the Self-service Kiosk at the Licensing Office concerned at the selected time slot. The IDP application procedures are as follows:


-          Perform identity authentication by "iAM Smart+", and input application information;

-          Verify e-contact means and scan the address proof; 

-          Take photo at the Self-service Kiosk;

-          Input mobile phone number to receive SMS notification on permit collection;

-          Perform digital signing by "iAM Smart+"; and

-          Make electronic payment and get the receipt.

If the documents are in order, the permit will be ready for collection within an hour at the designated counter of the same Licensing Office. Successful applicants will be notified through SMS.

Basahin ang detalye!

The current applications made via the GovHK's website or through submitting a paper application form over the counter at the Licensing Offices in person, through drop-in boxes and by post remain unchanged.

For online or postal applications, if the application details are in order, the Transport Department will mail the permit by registered post within 10 working days.

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