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Elderly man in hospital after being jabbed twice; 5 new imported cases reported

12 August 2021

By The SUN 

One of the 3 seafarers had already left HK when his infection was detected

Three seafarers are among five newly confirmed cases of Covid-19 reported in Hong Kong today, Aug. 12.

Staff from the Health Department said the other two, a 55-year-old woman and a 14-year-old teenage boy, are from the same family who flew in together from Switzerland on Aug 8.


They both tested positive on their day 3 sample while quarantined at Sheraton Towers in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Four of the patients were found to carry the L452R mutant strain of the coronavirus. Test results on the fifth, a 43-year-old seafarer who came from Thailand, are still pending.

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The two other patients are a 38-year-old sea crew who came from South Korea, and a 35-year-old seaman from Singapore who had left on board his ship by the time his infection was detected.

Meanwhile, a health expert said an elderly man who was mistakenly given two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine Wednesday should not have much to worry about, apart from the possibility of experiencing more side effects than usual.

Worst that could have happen, says the expert, is the patient will experience more side-effects than usual

The 66-year-old man was taken to hospital after receiving two BioNTech jabs at a community vaccination centre in Tuen Mun. He was resting after taking the first jab when a nurse came by and gave him another shot.

Health officials said they were notified about the incident Wednesday afternoon.


Reports quote Andrew Wong from Chinese University as saying that the man did not receive a “super dose” which could endanger his health, even if he is reported to have high blood pressure and cholesterol level.

The expert said each BioNTech shot contains 30 microgrammes of vaccine, but 100-microgramme shots, or more than three times the regular dose, were also tested in trials.


"Theoretically, there might be an increase in adverse reaction, like pain in the arm, fever and also fatigue, which usually last for one to two days for a normal dose. So we need to observe the patient, to see whether [he experiences] more reaction or for a more prolonged duration," Wong said.

But he added the man should still receive a booster shot after 21 days, saying this is necessary to make his immunity last longer.

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Reports also said the nurse who administered the double dose to the patient has been relieved of her duty while the operator of the CVC has pledged to closely monitor all medical procedures from now on to ensure safety.


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