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OFW Karatedos show skills, win medals in tournament

04 March 2024


Sensei Rosanto Roldan of ShINto Ryu shows his skills to judges to win the Best Kata Player award

The SKCI-HK team emerged champion in the closely contested Filipino Karatedo Hong Kong (FKA-HK) 7th Tournament held on Feb 11, 2024 at Sun Yat Sen Sports Centre in Sai Ying Pun.

SKCI-HK, led by its Sensei Butch Verceles, amassed 10 gold medals,12 silvers anf eight bronzes to edge two other teams which also won 10 golds as their individual karatedos excelled in four categories, from novice to instructor.


Emerging as first runner-up was Combat, led by Sensei Robert Rebalde, whuch won 12 golds, seven silvers and five bronzes.

Second runner-up was Kaiaido led by Kyoshi Tony Morona, with 10 golds, four silvers and two bronzes.

The tournament saw members of 13 karate teams showing their best in Kata (form) and Kumite (sparring): Houken, led by Sensei Ernesto Veloria; Combat by Sensei Robert Rebalde, SKCI-HK, ked by Sensei Butch Verceles; King Lion, led by Shihan Joemar Agujetas; Firewall, led by Sensei Jonacs Nacorda; Bakmari, led by Shihan Myrna Cabael; Eagle Comando, led by Shihan Jimmy Opalec Jr.; Wado, led by Sensei Jayson Cacayorin; Kaiaido, led by Kyoshi Tony Morona; GASMAA, led by Shihan Arman Dano; Comando, led by Sensei Leoniza Dolendo; Shodokai, led by Sensei Rudy Accad; and Roukan, led by, led by Sensei Franz Suarez.


The guest speaker was Assistant Labor Attache Antonio R. Villafuerte, who expressed government support for OFW activities such as this.

In a message, one of the tournament organizers, Ace Daniel Castillo, congratulated all the winners and the teams who participated.

He also thanked the sponsors: “Your support played a key role in the success of our event, and we appreciate your participation and generosity.”

The FKA-HK (Filipino Karatedo Association Hong Kong) was founded as Yudanshakai SKCI in 2016 and was renamed in 2018 as the Filipino Shotokan Karatedo Association HK.

In 2022, it adopted its present name to allow other karate styles such as Wado Ryu, Shito Ryu and Shorin Ryu to join the tournament it has been organizing for the last seven years.

Its officers are President Butch Verceles of  SKCI-HK, Vice President Joemar Agujetas of  King Lion, Officiating Committee Chairman  Robert Rebalde of Combat and former FKA-HK president and current Adviser Ernesto Veloria of Houken.

 “The FKA-HK's aim is to build unity among the Filipinos, giving them the ability to conquer their fears and opportunity to display their skills and talent through their Kata and Kumite and most importantly to develop sportsmanship – to stay humble when winning and accept defeat when losing,” Castillo said.

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