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Child pornography charges against Filipina withdrawn

14 May 2024


The charges that were dropped accused the Filipina of filming her female ward inside the toilet  

A 26-year-old Filipina domestic worker was released unconditionally at Kwun Tong court today after two charges of child pornography were withdrawn by the prosecution against her for insufficiency of evidence.

A hearing set down for May 16 was abandoned as a result.

But by then, Gina (not her real name) had already been in detention for nine days, having been arrested after the alleged second incident had taken place on May 5.

According to the allegations, Gina had taken videos of a naked girl using her smartphone during two separate incidents, inside the toilet of a flat in Sau Mau Ping. The first offence allegedly happened on Feb 23 this year, and the second, on May 5.


The two incidents were supposed to be in violation of Section 3(1) of the Child Pornography Ordinance, Cap. 579 of the laws of Hong Kong.

But at today’s hearing before Magistrate Winnie Lau, the prosecutor applied to withdraw both charges against the Filipina, saying there was not enough evidence to pursue the case. No further details were mentioned.

The prosecutor also asked that the hearing earlier set for Thursday, May 16, be abandoned. Magistrate Lau agreed, and ordered Gina’s immediate release.



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