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3 Filipinos arrested for taking clothes they thought were discarded

09 February 2024


The Filipinos were arrested on Belleview Drive, on suspicion of theft (File)

With the approach of Chinese New Year, many households have been throwing things away to attract the good fortune new possessions are believed to bring.  But would-be fortune hunters should beware that not all things they see on the streets are lap sap, or rubbish.

This was a lesson three Filipinos – two females and one male aged 47 to 61, learned the hard way on Tuesday afternoon, after being arrested for taking clothing items from boxes left out on Belleview Drive, Repulse Bay.

Buksan ang mga tip

As no one was around to look after the boxes that were piled on some wooden pallets left on the roadside, a number of bystanders, mostly Filipinos, reportedly took away some of the clothes, then left.

It turned out the clothes which were still in plastic wrappers were new, and were left on the road temporarily by a 33-year-old delivery man prior to being transported elsewhere. When the man  saw a couple of people taking away items from his parcels and loading them onto cars he called the police.

Pindutin para sa detalye

One male driver who got curious reportedly lifted one of the still-unopened boxes and placed it on top of the luggage compartment of his employer’s car, then took pictures. It was while he was doing this that police arrived, and arrested him.

Two Filipinas who were found with some clothes from the boxes were also arrested, but a bigger number of domestic workers living in the area who had reportedly left after taking some of the items, were able to get away.


All three Filipinos who were arrested were taken to Aberdeen police station and held on suspicion of theft until Wednesday night, when they were allowed to post bail. No charges were filed but the three were ordered to report to the Western Police Station early next month.


Aside from the theft complaint hanging over their heads the three are facing a bigger worry, as the owner of the looted items is reportedly asking them for reimbursement, even for the other items that were not found in their possession.

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